Plants are not furniture items to place in the landscape. They are living creatures that have needs. Planting the right plant means learning about what they need.
Trees are perhaps the most important anchors of a landscape. They are also imperative to supporting wildlife in our landscapes. Pay attention to the size of the trees you select and ensure you give them enough space to grow. This is a list of trees appropriate for our region.
Shrubs & Groundcovers
Shrubs and groundcovers are important for taking the heat off the ground, providing screens and privacy, and as protective cover for birds, lizards, and more.
Vines cover walls and fences. They can take the heat off walls, provide as privacy screens, and define the boundaries of a property.
Perennial plants are herbaceous plants that come back year after year. Many provide flowers for pollinators (and people). Some go dormant and may die to the ground but return the next season from the roots.
Annual plants, often called wildflowers, are seasonal plants that live their entire life in one season—there are cool and warm season wildflowers. They often produce lots of seeds and may return the next year. Some annuals can live as perennials in the right conditions.
Landscape Cacti & Succulents
These are the generally larger succulent plants that can handle our intense landscape conditions. Smaller, more collectible succulents and cacti, will be highlighted elsewhere.
Grasses & Grasslike Plants
Native grasses provide movement to the landscape and are essential components to a pollinator garden. They are often overlooked.
Palms & Cycads
Palms and cycads defy convenient categories—some are tree-like and many are not. Even the tree-like plants are vastly different than regular trees. Regionally, especially in Sonora, these plants are important ecological characters.
Collectible Cacti, Succulents, & Botanical Curiosities
Not all cacti and succulents are appropriate for the landscape. Some are best in containers. These are the bizarre, and unusual plants that capture our curiosity. They are often the gateway plants that turn people into plant nerds.